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Waterfall Stone

Bubbling Waterfall Stone


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greenscape fountain wall

Natural Stone Waterfall


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Natural stone for waterfalls

Stone Waterfall


Most people who have a backyard want to make it as beautiful as they can while also enhancing its functionality.  Great landscaping using plants and trees, and of course natural stone from Napoleon Stone, is a must have for everyone.  For homeowners with extra space or if you’re looking for an eye-catching feature for your backyard, patio, deck or even front entry, a natural water feature will do the trick.  Options include stone waterfalls, stone ponds and bubbling rocks.

Water features can be just as important as natural stonework.  Often, the two go hand in hand, and work together, since some water features make use of stonework.  When you have a nice water feature, it adds instant aesthetic appeal to your yard for great outdoor living in the Midwest.  A stone water feature also works as a nice focal point for the yard, and serves as a place where you and your family will want to gather.  The sight and the sounds of these water features can be quite relaxing, and they can give your backyard a unique look.  One of the most beautiful features in any garden is a water feature such as a fountain or pond. If you are thinking of getting a fountain, you could decide to use the landscape stone for a more dramatic effect. For instance, you could create the fountain in such a manner that the water flows over one large rock or a set or rocks, creating a very beautiful effect. You can also use them to make structures such as small waterfalls in the backyard.  The good thing about using stone for this purpose is that it does not have to cost too much. As long as you have a mechanism to get the water to the backyard, all you would need to do is arrange the rocks in the appropriate manner.

If your natural stone project needs are more than just natural stone for a water feature, Napoleon Stone has a full lineup of landscape stone options for your consideration.  All of our natural stone products are great choices in most any outdoor landscaping environment and will immediately transform your landscape so that you are the envy of your neighborhood.

Napoleon Stone is Michigan’s largest landscape stone quarry and supplier.  We are not a landscape contractor or landscape architect.  If you desire these services, we are happy to refer you partners with whom we work on a regular basis.

Please give us a call at (517) 536-4330 or contact us via email.
