Considering adding a stone fire pit to your backyard this year? Check out our natural stone fire rocks. Every stone is unique and will be a great addition to your backyard or lakeshore and you’ll be the envy of your neighborhood. Give us a call today to learn how we can help you.
More information on our outdoor fireplaces can be found here – Natural Stone Fire Rocks
If your natural stone project needs are more than just natural stone for a fire pit or outdoor fireplace, Napoleon Stone has a full lineup of landscape stone options for your consideration. All of our natural stone products are great choices in most any outdoor landscaping environment and will immediately transform your landscape so that you are the envy of your neighborhood.
Napoleon Stone is Michigan’s largest landscape stone quarry and supplier. We are not a landscape contractor or landscape architect. If you desire these services, we are happy to refer you partners with whom we work on a regular basis.
Please give us a call at (517) 536-4330 or contact us via email.
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