Retaining Wall Stone

Stone retaining wall Michigan

Napoleon Stone quarries and produces several types of natural stone that can be used to build a natural stone retaining wall for small DIY projects in your backyard that do not require heavy equipment. All natural stone retaining wall products can be used either by itself or blended with other Napoleon Stone retaining wall stone products depending on final design ideas of the homeowner for the project. Napoleon’s natural stone retaining wall products can be used to build retaining walls, garden walls, raised flowerbeds, planters. and even as surrounds for fire pits.

A homeowner might want to build a simple accent stone wall bordering a garden just a few inches tall, while a professional contractor might build a natural stone retaining wall up to 20 feet tall along a shoreline. Our retaining wall stone is available in several sizes and styles depending on one’s preference or need. Heavier retaining wall stone should be used if the stone wall is intended to hold back soil movement and prevent water erosion. Most stone retaining walls are referred to as dry-stack stone walls or hand-stack stone walls. These of walls are constructed with stone that has flat surfaces and consistent stone heights.

Napoleon Stone produces many distinct types of retaining wall stone including:
  • Assorted Wall Stone – 2″-5″ thick pieces of landscape stone at random lengths & depths; can be handled and installed by 1 person
  • Thin Wall Stone – 1″-2″ thick pieces of landscape stone at random lengths & depths; can be handled and installed by 1 person
  • Heavy Wall Stone – 3″-5″ thick pieces of landscape stone at random lengths & depths; can be handled and installed by 1 person

  • Sawn Drywall Stone – 3″ or 6″ thick pieces of landscape stone sawn on both the top and bottom and split to 8″ bed depths at random lengths; can be handled and installed by 1 person